a poem about the truth of disappointing things
when she who turns out not to be a princess
looks in a mirror,
a confused and crestfallen face
floats behind a screen of thinning petals on twigs.
no longer a child, drifting within ice-crusted glass,
not wanting to come to disappointment,
she has forgotten that
petals are
fiercely vulnerable beneath a wishing-star, ever
willing to hold hands with every piercing and plucking wind
for this safe reason:
petals are
just as beautiful when fallen to the ground,
Just As Beautiful.
the truth behind a woman’s ‘demure’ gaze:
she is busy admiring her unique carpet of blossoms, fit for a fairy tale–
as telling as any crown.
inside mirrors of winter remember that
fallen petals are
dreams which never turned to bitten fruit yet are
Just As Impossibly Beautiful.
image of petals on ground by alexphotos
featured image by aaron burden
This poem was written on a hard day, to remember Wonder and an ancient Woman’s secret:
Dreams don’t need to come true; fulfilled or not, their simple and impossible existence is enough. Enough for you to be beautiful and standing in wondrous, creative pink bloom. This holds true for maiden, mother, and crone.
Remember. The purpose of some flowers is to give way to fruit, but some flowers exist simply for their beauty. This is an equally stunning magic, is it not?
If you find yourself standing barefoot upon dreams that never came true:
“Wise women know to laugh out loud and twirl with flying skirts upon thick-petaled carpets.” ~the Crone
Eleanor Jolley
CFS can be so depressing. Have suffered myself with this in the past 4 years.
I am happy you are doing better. When to rest, please rest. That’s what I do. It is difficult for friends to know what it is like.
Brain fog, the worst!
I wish you healing,
Love your poems and stories💙
Cricket Baker
Oh no, Eleanor, I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with CFS, too! I DO get lots of rest 🙂 I wish you healing as well. xxxxx Thank you–I’m so happy you love the poems and stories!
Martha Aandal
Hi Cricket,
So sorry to hear of your prognosis. So glad to see you are staying strong!
Love the poem, keep on twirling!
Cricket Baker
I remain happy and in Wonder over being here on this planet! Thank you, Martha 🙂 I’m delighted you loved the poem.
Patricia O’Beirne
Beautiful poem
Not easy being creative in the throes of any limitation but the body knows when you have to take a hiatus and one must respect that
It feels like valuable time lost but it isn’t
Healing comes first, it is the prologue to creativity
This poem is a keeper
Goes into my special file to be read and reread
Cricket Baker
Yes, I learned through experience I must respect what my body is telling me! 🙂 Thank you, Patricia, for your kind and wise words, and for responding to my poem. I’m so happy it resonated with you!!
Patricia Chupa
Cricket, I am sad to hear of your health challenge. CFS is no joke and no fun. Please know I join the many readers who have been inspired by your Crone tales (I’ve saved them all!) in hoping that you rest, recover, and continue to create. Sending healing your way.🤗🙏💜💜💜
Cricket Baker
I’ll accept that healing energy with open arms. Thank you, Patricia! It makes my heart so happy to hear that you’ve even saved Crone Tales! You’re so sweet to me. xxxxxxx
Jacqueline Da Costa
How wonderful to hear from you, so sorry that you are unwell. It couldn’t be related to having covid could it? My niece has the same symptoms with long covid. Anything like this is such a long hard struggle, but I have every faith in you , you will conquer it I know. Loved your poem, have missed them. Keep fighting we need you .
Cricket Baker
I do suspect Long Covid, but I have no confirmation of it as a year passed before I was tested for antibodies. I’m pleased you liked the poem, Jacqueline! I do hope to write more poetry, fairy tales, and magical prose 🙂
Jackie Magnin
Nobody is born with a little card around your toe that reads: ‘Guarantee for 75+ years of health and happiness ‘. We must try and embrace our life as it happens to us and I wish you lots more good times to come xxx
Anyone who gives as much as you requires & deserves down time.
Relax- the pendulum will swing when it’s good & ready. 💕
Cricket Baker
Poetically said, Liz 🙂 And isn’t relaxing so delicious? Thank you for the love, xxxxxx
Cricket Baker
I agree, Jackie, as much as possible I accept how I feel. I actually rarely feel emotionally ‘down.’ On the contrary, I mostly feel very happy and easily fall into Wonder if only I STOP for even a moment to gaze on nature or the most ordinary of objects. It’s all so strange that anything exists, and I love that. Thank you for your response, Jackie!
Bless you Cricket I have missed you and often wondered what had happened. I wish you more good days than bad, I send you love and blessings, thank you. xxx
Cricket Baker
Hello there, Maggie! I have missed you as well 🙂 Sending you love and blessings, too, Full Circle 🙂 xxxxxxxx
Barbara Corney
I empathise with you as regards these types of illness..One has to carry on despite the bad days- listen to your body and be kind to yourself.
I’m so glad you have started writing again – it will be a lifeline and a light when all feels dark.
Sending love and support❤️
Kay D Russell
Blessings to. You will be ok.Life will be differrent yet doable.
Cricket Baker
Thank you for the blessings, Kay! Yes, I am and will be okay–I adjust, and I’m learning to better sit in Silence and appreciate the world around me–especially my back yard 🙂
Cricket Baker
I so appreciate the love and support, Barbara! I’m glad to have written something again, too. Writing myself into Light–and it fills me up when I hear from others it also brought them some light 🙂
I am glad you showed up. As a fellow chronic illness traveler (MS, diagnosed 2015), I relate to your frustration with the fatigue and cloudy brain. I look forward to hearing from you again soon as you are able.
Cricket Baker
I wish you couldn’t relate to my frustration and fatigue, Cheryl. It’s no fun. I wish you happiness, good health, and a bright heart. And, I hope to write more Crone Tales and Wonder Pieces to lighten your days. Thank you for the response! xxxxxxx
Barbara Cich
Thank you for sharing the beauty of your spirit
Cricket Baker
What a lovely thing to say, Barbara Cich! You brought me a whoosh of tender feelings. Thank you, xxxxxxx
Pam Lyons
Thank you, Cricket! I have missed you! I am sad to read of your challenges. Some days everything seems so overwhelming. I’m sure that I am not alone in sending love, light and healing thoughts to you. Wishing you more better days! Much love always and many thanks for the beauty and love that you have shared. ❤️❤️❤️
Cricket Baker
Hello there, Pam! I’m grateful for you sending love, light, and healing thoughts to me; your response makes me feel lighter–it makes me feel better. You’re a sweetheart 🙂 xxxxxx
So sorry you’ve been unwell – so pleased to see you back and hope it helps you as much as you help others
Take care
Annie Lord
Lovely to read your words.
So very pertinent on a day when my energies have evaporated.
Thank you, and may you find a remedy for such a debilitating illness. With Love xx
Cricket Baker
Sometimes I hear that what I’ve written matched up to what someone needed to read, Annie, though I hope your energies have rained back down on you now–or will very soon. I appreciate your response–kind and loving words. 🙂
Kathryn Tibbs
So thankful for your return.
May your day be rejuvenating and peaceful.
This poem is so spot on!♥️🙏💖
Cricket Baker
Ah, I love that you found the poem spot on, Kathryn! I’m happy that you’re so positive about hearing from me again. I appreciate the well wishes so much 🙂
Cricket Baker
It DOES help me to feel better to create a new piece of writing, thank you, Lynne 🙂 Thank you for letting me know you’re glad to hear from me and haven’t forgotten me, lol. You take care, too. xxxxx
Suzanne Simmont
My wish for you is wellness. On all levels. Thank you for sharing your beautiful imagery and wisdom!
Cricket Baker
Hello Suzanne, thank you for taking the time to let me know you appreciate my writing–it makes a difference to me! I wish you wellness, too. xxxxxx
Joyce Mayo
Thanks for these lovely words and prayers for your health. How odd I was thinking of you just the other day, wondering why I hadn’t seen you around. So sorry you’re struggling, friend ❤
Cricket Baker
Well hello there, Joyce! I’d been thinking for a long time I needed to send out an email explaining my absence, and somehow I never did it–I suppose I kept thinking that at any time I’d feel better and write something new. It brings a smile to think you were remembering me. Thank you for the prayers, they are appreciated 🙂 xxxxxx
Cat Macelderry
Thank you for this lovely reminder of aging beauty. I woke up this morning and saw my withered arms and wondered when that happened. I’m discovering that cronedom is just as much an adventure as maidenhood. I’m so happy to hear from you and sending blessings for your healing journey.
Cricket Baker
Oh, yes, Cat, cronedom is quite the adventure 🙂 I find that the older I get, the more I appreciate and experience wonder over the existence of this world. And I also get surprised — for a few years now–at where on earth my muscles have gone! I’m happy you’re happy to hear from me, and I appreciate the blessings you’re sending.
I so hope your bad days get fewer and that you know folks care about you. Thanks you for all that you share
Cricket Baker
Your response and those of others have been a lovely experience for sure, Georgia! And you’re very welcome for what I share; I hope to share more. 🙂 Thank you for your kind response. xxxx
Janet Berger
Dear Cricket,
How lovely to hear from you, so sorry to hear your news, but I’m glad you took time out.
Your poem resonates…..every line….
I have fibromyalgia, the fatigue and pain hover, and take me by surprise.
This morning I sang and danced to “Forever in blue jeans” – could have been written for me – this afternoon, a different story….you know how it works…
But my heart is happy to hear you – your poem is beautiful, another layer of wisdom.
Pace yourself dear lady, all will be well ♥
Cricket Baker
Janet! So great to hear from you. Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear about your pain and fatigue. I understand what you mean about such symptoms taking you by surprise; I can feel better and then suddenly hit a wall for no apparent reason. Ah, ‘Forever in Blue Jeans’ is a fantastic song 🙂 I’m imagining you dancing around and I’ve got a grin on, if no blue jeans at this moment, except perhaps for metaphorically, lol. I’m so happy you liked the poem. ‘Pacing’ is something I’ve learned all about 🙂 One of my affirmations is ‘All is MORE than well.’ Sending love back to you, Janet. xxxxx
This poem feels invulnerable. In the face of any harsh reality you always know that the experience of life was worth it; you’re grateful for it. I’m lucky to have such a wise mom. I love you!
Almost done with The Ghosting of Gods by the way 😀
Cricket Baker
You make me cry. I love you, too, Jarebear. I’m the lucky one, to have you and your brothers. xoxoxoxoxo