THE ICICLES OF VERSE, a fairy tale for enlightenment

    Winter is here. Ice hides the sun and winds blow shadows dark and white. Build fire ‘neath the cauldron with forgotten spells to summon maiden, mother, and crone—for here comes the night. A story is born. Listen.
    It’s up to you to find what meaning you will.



    Not merely once upon a time, a being with billowing wings wished to be born into this world despite its threat of ice. 

    First came a heavenly ceremony, a sort of sending-off. The being ate a ladleful of stew from an ancient cauldron. And it was said:


    What are faeries made of?

    Daggers, questions asked, and a world of looking-glass.

    That’s what faeries are made of.


    The being fell asleep and a faerie wakened far, far away in the high icelands. Silver graced her tiny wings and a caterpillar’s silk draped her curled body. She exhaled sparkling breath in her faerie mother’s arms, content even as wind shrieked amongst the blue mountain peaks.   

    And she was named Verse.

    Her mother told her all the sacred fae stories alongside a spitting fire. Verse learned of how the world began—water poured from The Foxglove in the sky to freeze into the shape of every form she could see. She knew that dreams were caused by moonlight catching in her pointed ear, and that everything she ever did would be preserved in the ice of the Eternal Past. 

    Verse often dreamed that she was made of daggers, questions asked, and a world of looking-glass. She had no idea what this meant but feared it.

    The other faeries didn’t like her much at all. When grumpy, Verse couldn’t seem to stop herself from caving in the snow tunnels of hares. She often broke the strings of violins, wondering afterward why she had done such a thing. Perhaps worst of all, she had a talent for telling lies—smooth as ice.

    Verse’s virtue, however, surpassed her vice. For never had a daughter so loved her mother. 

    One day, Verse made a cage of permafrost twigs and entrapped an aurora bee to keep as her own.

    It was this last stunt which brought about the Bad Day.

    “What is wrong with you?” her mother cried out. Verse saw reproach and horror on her mother’s face at the sight of the imprisoned aurora bee.

    After this, Verse could fly no higher off the frozen mountain than the length of a foxtail. 

    One hundred years passed to make Verse full-grown. It so happened that she was gifted a daughter of her own with sparkling breath. Looking upon the sweet babe in her arms, she crooned a faerie’s lullaby.

    Verse hoped the babe would not be like her. She imagined for her child a lived life of good deeds, like in the old tales of the Butter Fly.  

    Carefully, she named her daughter Joy. 

    Many winters went by. One glittered and embittered blizzard’s night, Joy made a scene. She stood before the assembled faerie host and insulted the revered faerie queen.

    “Your breath has lost its sparkle and you don’t sound so almighty wise to me,” Joy smarted off.

    A collective cry escaped the faerie host.

    Joy looked about herself, uncertain. She knew she was a bad faerie, but never before had she seen so many stares and hands clutching at throats. 

    Frightened by what she had done—by what she was—she turned to her mother, Verse, for help.

    But her mother stood frozen, a fisted hand held to her open mouth.  

    Joy pretended. With a laugh, she turned to saunter away. But suddenly there her mother was, taking fast hold of her by the wing.

    “What is wrong with you?” Verse hissed, her face gone blood pink.    

    Joy’s eyes widened. She hardly recognized her mother, so fierce was her face. She knew the other faeries held no lasting fondness for her, but her mother had always loved…

    With a lurch, Joy ripped herself free of her mother’s grasp and fled.

    It was days before Verse found Joy hiding beneath a snowdrift, stiff and blue. She gathered her daughter into her arms and wept to see what had been done.  

    It was a thing Verse never wanted to do, a thing she never imagined she could:

    For the sake of embarrassment before the queen, she’d lashed out and torn her daughter’s wing.

    Though Verse treated this wound with kisses and sweet nothings, it remained. It festered and became a part of her daughter. Never to be undone.

    This is how Joy came to fly in circles, as happens with a broken wing. She stayed close to home to make herself safe, never venturing far to where other faeries might shun her.  

    And Verse knew all of life had changed. Nothing, nothing would ever be the same. The truth of her failure as a mother could and would never be undone.

    It was forever preserved in the Eternal Past.  

    Verse’s despair over this brought a bad moon. It leaked dim, chilled nightmares of what-might-have-been-but-now-will-never-be into her ear.

    Thereafter, Verse took up the habit of pulling her wings forward so that the tips covered her eyes like a veil. But she couldn’t hide her tears. They flowed and froze to stick out from her chin, not unlike a daggered beard. 

    “Dawn can never come,” she said over and again until the words formed a belief as solid and real as anything else.  This provoked suffering until Verse couldn’t help but to whisper into her snowy pine pillow—

    A Question Asked.

    “Why was I cruel to the one I love most?”

    Verse asked this of herself so many times that it came to sound like the knocking on a door.

    One early winter’s dusk, Verse sat upon a hollow log squeezing purple berries to make ink. Yet her mind dwelt upon Joy’s torn wing, wishing it were not so.

    By this time Verse had shed so many tears that she wore an astonishing beard of frozen daggers upon her chin.

    Looking up from her berries through bleary eyes, she caught sight of two white bears at play. Spirit-bears, faeries know them to be. Verse sneaked through the windswept mountains, following the spirit-bears to a branching river covered in black ice.

    She felt soothed and comfortable in the presence of the spirit-bears. But alas, the holy creatures found a hole in the river’s ice and slipped into the water to vanish.

    Verse kept vigil at the hole in the ice, gazing down into water black and rippling. She wondered that she could not see the white of the spirit-bears in the deep of the river and grew worried they had drowned.

    The wind ceased of a sudden. Verse felt chills along the fluted edges of her silver wings—never had she known a moment in the high icelands that did not blow with wintry winds.  

    A strange sense of something more than natural tingled upon her lips.

    It felt like being in a dream. Kissed.

    With the wind snuffed out, the water inside the ice hole became immovable and level as glass. Verse’s fingers trembled as she reached to dip a hand into the cold where the spirit-bears had gone, but the surface of the water was solid as stone.  

    A spell which Verse did not know that she knew escaped her lips. This sort of thing, a rare grace, happens to faeries less often than you might predict.

    “Alohooya brecken tre alayyaa ser wollyan.”

    A sheet of water framed by a twisting black veil lifted from the river. It stood itself upon the ice, three foxtails high. Verse tilted back her head to see. 

    Her exhaled breath snapped and popped with sparkles.

    She fell into wonder until the twisting veil reached to encircle her neck and flutter at her face.  Verse choked, and in a panic she pulled the black stuffing from her mouth.

    The looking-glass shivered. A mist gathered, which is a sure sign that what is past is about to make a reappearance.

    Verse’s knees went weak in dread at what she expected to see. But when the misty fog coalesced into a shape deep within the surface of the looking-glass, Verse saw it was not the bad day of the torn wing after all.  

    “Mother!” she blurted in surprise.

    But her mother within the looking-glass did not respond, for she was remembering her own bad mother’s day.

    The day of the caged aurora bee.

    “It’s my fault my daughter can fly no higher than the length of a foxtail,” her mother said as she huddled alone inside the looking-glass. “For I did harm to her with my cruel face and words.”   

    Verse witnessed her mother pull forward her wings so that the tips covered her eyes. Yet Verse knew she wept, for tears flowed down to form icicles like a beard of daggers on her mother’s chin.  

    The looking-glass shivered.

    Verse sat back on her faerie bottom, stunned. For behind the image of her mother stood another looking-glass and within it her grandmother, who wore an even more impressive beard of icicle daggers.   

    The looking-glass shivered bittersweet. 

    What Verse was given to see was this:

    The haunted past, grim and reaped. 

    Reflections within reflections. Looking-glass after looking-glass revealed itself in a descending serpentine gloom. Each held a mother faerie, an ancestor, framed by a veil and dressed in a river glass tomb.

    Verse saw that each faerie was wounded by a mother, each used a dagger of cruel words on a child, each veiled her face in shame, each wept and dripped tears of endless, heartbroken regret.

    “I know this pain,” Verse rasped, for she could barely breathe at seeing their grief so recognizably unmasked. She wept. Nodded.  

    “I understand you.”

    Though she didn’t know it, her voice passed through each looking-glass in a timeless translation for every mother and child to hear. And the translation went like this:

    “We are the same.”

    The looking-glass quaked. A new scene revealed itself to Verse in an unasked-for revelation:

    She was a being with billowing wings who had been born into this world.

    First there had been a heavenly ceremony, a sort of sending-off. There was an ancient cauldron. And the swallowing of a ladleful of stew to make her who she would seem to be. The ingredients included every pair of contraries known: courage and cowardice, hope and despair, generosity and greed. Love and fear. And more.

    It was a recipe called Faerie, with some beings getting more or less of this and that ingredient, depending on what measures of virtue and vice happened to be ladled up.

    There on the lonely ice by a winter’s river, Verse blinked. If a faerie’s qualities came of a ladleful of stew…if they were given, not chosen…

    Verse buckled when comprehension struck. Truth buzzed in her ears louder than any aurora bee.

    “We are innocent,” she exclaimed in astonishment. It was so shocking, she felt as if she might crack open.  

    “If this is true, before taking a swallow of stew, I am like…what, or who?”  

    She did not know.

    There was no ‘might’ about it now. Verse cracked open. But in a good way. An entirely new kind of knowledge, the kind that passes understanding, worked inside her in ways that could not be expressed or easily spoken. 

    Yet, it is fair to say it tasted of forgiveness-not-needed.

    A great wind came to blow away the bruised clouds in the sky. Verse looked over her shoulder.

    Rising out of the winter came a bright orange sun. Its rays illuminated each and every looking-glass. The daggers melted from the chins of all the mothers.

    This is how Verse came to see them as they were. And she knew she was like them. 

    A thrill more than natural lifted the wings of Verse. She flew higher than any conceivable number of foxtails.  

    With Joy.



    Verse spent the next three hundred years digesting her share of an ancient stew. She took great care and responsibility to eliminate what tasted bad. Without complaint.

    She savored what tasted good from the stew and offered it to all others without discrimination, for there was no judgment inside her. This sharing made the flavor all the sweeter.

    Verse became a good steward of her life, of what she’d been given.

    And when the Seer took Verse’s frail hand upon her death, she viewed her entire life’s story of daggers and questions asked. It had all happened in a world that was, as it turned out, nothing more than a looking-glass filled with reflections of herself, for she was all the world.

    Please understand. This review of Verse’s life was not a judgment. Rather, it was a careful measuring.

    To be stirred back into the stew of an ancient cauldron.

    Such happens with the lives of faerie and non-fae folk alike. Each life lived out holds vast significance, for each life upon completion lends a flavor to EVERYONE who comes after.

    You may not have realized the potential and importance of your life, but now you know to pay attention. Because life is hard. And many are hurting.


    What is a life made of?

    Daggers, questions asked, and a world of looking-glass.

    That’s what a life is made of.


    And I say,

    It’s all right. 

    The past doesn’t exist, so drop your daggers of regret.

    Peer into the ancient cauldron and you’ll find no eternal past. This is because the recipe is constantly being changed. Herein lies grace: the stew is only ever as it is now.

    You are only ever as you are, Now. 


    Here comes the sun.


    And now we bring The Beatles onstage… 🙂

    Here comes the sun, (doo doo doo doo)
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It’s all right

    Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
    Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

    Here comes the sun, (doo doo doo doo)
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It’s all right

    Little darling, the smile’s returning to their faces
    Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here

    Here comes the sun, (doo doo doo doo)
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It’s all right

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

    Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
    Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear

    Here comes the sun, (doo doo doo doo)
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It’s all right

    Here comes the sun, (doo doo doo doo)
    Here comes the sun
    It’s all right
    It’s all right

    (Songwriter: George Harrison. Here Comes the Sun lyrics Š Concord Music Publishing LLC)

    An applicable quote: “…you are literally at the very edge of evolution itself, and thus your very thoughts and actions are contributing directly to the Form or structure of tomorrow—you are a genuine co-creator of a reality that every human being henceforth will pass through. Make sure, therefore, that to the extent that you can, always act from the deepest, widest, highest source in you that you can find…” ~ Philosopher Ken Wilber, from Integral Meditation

    A LAST NOTE: Besides my favorite song above, this Crone Tale is inspired by author Elizabeth Gilbert, who happens to be one of my all-time favorite crones. (Remember that when I say Crone I’m referring to the archetype of the Wise Woman.) In a social media post, she wrote of hearing women speak of how their mothers had inflicted (psychological) wounds upon them. 

    And Liz suggested this:

    Have mercy on the mothers.


    ~If you found meaning in this story (this looking-glass) you may wish to receive new Crone Tales for free by email. I write one or two a month. SUBSCRIBE HERE.

    Thank you ever so much for reading!



    Featured image by Kinkate

    Image of bee by Anne-Marie Ridderhof

    Image of sad fairy by Hussein1

    Image of polar bears credit: <a href=’https://pngtree.com/so/animal’>animal png from pngtree.com</a>

    Image of looking-glass with veil credit: <a href=’https://pngtree.com/so/ink’>ink png from pngtree.com</a>

    Image of icicles by Nyeia

    Image of cauldron by Gretta Bartoli

    Image of sunrise by M. Maggs



    THE FALLING FULL MOON, a fairy tale for enlightenment

    Anxious villagers pray to be delivered unto the next world. Enamored of spirits, angels, and misty places, they hide away their earthly stories and cover their faces. Meanwhile the Crone sits in the sun and brushes her hair—at the market cross, of all places. She has in mind the tale of a tiny beast. Come. Listen. 

    It’s up to you to find what meaning you will.  



    Whilst wishing to be a spirit, a parish woman earned her keep caretaking an aged priest and a church.

    She preferred staying hidden to being seen, and could often be found with her knees upon the stone floor, praying. This helped her to be left alone by a steady stream of parishioners. Though her days were reasonably easy and she feared in no way for her safety—

    This woman could not find her way to peace. She’d be the first to admit it was inexplicable, yet she could rightly be called a nervous Nellie. She was always and ever-anxious.

    There were so many things which wanted to be done, if only she didn’t possess the uncharitable desire to be left to herself with nothing to do. This is how she came to be jealous of spirits and ghosts. How easy and unexamined their lives must be!

    One dark day as she peered out the parish church window at a flood of rain, she saw a figure in a white cloak coming up the rutted, muddy road. The parish woman felt the familiar flutter in her belly when she realized someone was about to need something of her.

    Wind and water blew inside the church when the white-cloaked figure opened the door to step inside. The hood pulled back to reveal a dark oval face framed on one side by braided hair the color of quill’s ink.

    Putting a smile on her face, the parish woman bowed her head in silent greeting to the stranger she would rather had not arrived.

    The woman in a white cloak gazed at the parish woman as if to take her measure. She used a third eye, so this did not take long.

    “You think life is a string of tasks to be done,” the stranger in a white cloak said. “But it has never been so.”

    The parish woman trembled inside. She silently wished to be small and unseen, to not have to deal with this—or anything. “Who are you?” she asked. “How is the hem of your white cloak clean of mud?”

    The woman in a white cloak ignored these questions and instead gave her attention to the unspoken wish of the parish woman. “Your wish shall be granted,” she said. “With a prophecy of what is to come, a riddle, to live out and solve.”

    There came the sound of acorns falling, and the flutter of a single crow’s wing. The woman in a white cloak spoke an instructive riddle:


    Come back to your senses.

    When you do, ask the right question for you.

    Last, catch a falling full moon.


    When the parish woman woke the next morning, she found herself buried in the thin blanket of her bed—with whiskers, round ears, and scrabbling feet.

    The aged priest was confounded to see the parish woman had been changed into a mouse. He frowned, displeased. “How can you dust the altar? How will you tote potatoes from the garden? How shall you make tea?”

    She stared back at him with beady eyes. She was not upset. On the contrary, she felt delighted and freed.

    No one could want a thing from her. What could one expect a mouse to do for them? Why, nothing at all.

    After this she spent her days scurrying between parish church walls or past the swishing robes of the Others, as she came to think of them. Being a mouse was not unlike being a spirit or a ghost. Rarely was she noticed or seen.  

    Life for the parish mouse became a life lived with ease. The reason for this is because there was nothing which had to be done, and no one she could possibly please.

    There was no way whatsoever for shame to visit her.

    There was nothing wrong with her anymore.

    She lay down for a long, long sleep—profoundly relieved.

    When she woke, her mousy nose twitched at the scent of adventure which inevitably hung on the air. Off she went to the to the village market.  

    There were tasty morsels of dropped cheese for her to find, not to mention spilled mead,     or even wine. Smelly cheese melted on her tiny tongue—such ecstasy!

    She eavesdropped. Her round ears heard bawdy  tales, whispered sweet nothings, and excited gibberish about things that might happen or be done.

    She felt the touch of wind on her fur and gritty dirt beneath her scrabbling claws. An opportunity presented itself to get naughty. She rolled herself in the soft silk of a merchant’s fallen wares, without apology.

    Life as a tiny beast was an astonishingly SENSUAL affair.

    One day as she lay relaxed in the warm sun by the market cross, she longed to do and make things beyond the wherewithal of a quiet, unseen mouse.

    And so, she asked the right question.

    “Is it possible I never knew my soul is in mad love with this world?”

    The answer came. Every last one of her senses answered true.

    At that very moment, the swish of a white cloak with no stains upon its hem passed by. The parish mouse watched a hand reach into a purse. What she saw next appeared to be a falling full moon.

    She fetched the moon out of the mud and rolled it home.

    With no fanfare whatsoever, she woke the next morning in her bed as the woman she once was. Wisdom in the form of a pearl was clutched within her human hand.

    She was no longer a mouse. Still, she retained her beastly senses. Her belly fluttered with nerves. And yet…

    The flutter was only one of the many, many things she was given to notice. Not only that. She had many delicious ways to notice them.

    The parish woman dusted the altar and did not fail to have eyes to see tiny worlds spinning in a shaft of sunlight. In the garden, she smelled the pungent richness of the earth when she went to dig up potatoes. By midday she was enjoying them with creamy, fresh-churned butter upon her tongue.

    She made tea for the aged priest. He wondered over how slowly she poured the kettle’s hot water, at how she leaned in to feel the steamy heat upon her face. She looked so content he later tried the technique for himself.

    By evening the parish woman relaxed by the window to the pitter-patter of rain.

    This is how her fear was made insignificant. Small. Just a ghost of a thing, leashed.

    Whereas her soul in the world was like unto a roaming, purring beast.

    Yours is the same. If ever you feel overwhelmed and wish to be like a ghost, left alone and unseen—

    Come back to your senses.

    When you do, ask the right question for you.

    Last, catch a falling full moon.


    The soul experiences life as a sensual wonderland, without taking seriously what can never eternally matter. The reality is that the world goes on spinning for soft animal bodies. I offer Mary Oliver’s beloved poem as evidence:



    You do not have to be good.
    You do not have to walk on your knees
    for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
    You only have to let the soft animal of your body
    love what it loves.
    Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
    Meanwhile the world goes on.
    Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
    are moving across the landscapes,
    over the prairies and the deep trees,
    the mountains and the rivers.
    Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
    are heading home again.
    Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
    the world offers itself to your imagination,
    calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–
    over and over announcing your place
    in the family of things.


    The Crone says it this way:

    “You only have to let the soul love what it loves.”


    Hello! Cricket here 🙂 I write a new crone’s tale once or twice a month to share. If you found meaning in this tiny, beastly tale, please know you may SUBSCRIBE.

    I love to get feedback on these stories–please leave a comment below! 




    THE CHANGELING IN THE FOUNTAIN, a fairy tale for enlightenment

    The sea rages. Rather than fear any coming storm, you could fling open your every last window and door. That would make it easier for spirits or faeries or what-have-you to find you and take glorious hold. The Crone will explain more. Come, listen to the tale of her beginning. 

    It’s up to you to find what meaning you will.



    A faraway king heard tell of a maiden’s lovely face and wanted her for his own.

    The maiden read his letter of proposal and knew right away he fit her fancy. For he spoke of her being a queen wielding power to help everyday folk, and that sounded very good to her.

    Besides. No one else would have the beautiful maiden. Her parents had despaired of ever marrying her off.

    The maiden agreed to return with the king’s messenger upon a royal ship. The captain and crew couldn’t stop staring at her, so great was her beauty. Meanwhile she became very excited. Looking up at the main mast of the ship, she went to climb up.

    The captain caught her round the waist and pulled her down. She explained she wished to sit in the crow’s nest to see if she could grow the wings or beak of a crow. She thought it possible.

    “But why not?” she asked the flustered captain who held her fast. He tried not to look at the king’s betrothed as if she were a nutter.

    “Why, your lovely hair would get tangled in the wind if you climbed so high, of course,” he sputtered.  

    The maiden agreed she didn’t want her hair mussed. Do not judge her. With such overwhelming beauty, she couldn’t help being vain. She also knew good and well that without her lovely face the king would not marry her. And then she couldn’t do good things for a great many everyday folk.

    When the crew sighted mermaids, the maiden bounced about the deck with glee. She insisted she knew of mermaids from books and dreams and would very much like to jump in the sea and meet one. She actually said so.

    The maiden seemed unaware that her extravagant betrothal dress would drown her and that mermaids are known to be cruel.  

    The crew began to mutter amongst themselves with faces aghast. She noticed and grew pensive, wishing for once in her life to be thought wise and not a fool.

    It was no use. She couldn’t put the brakes on her fanciful nature.

    The maiden talked quite a lot about wanting to befriend a unicorn once she reached the king’s castle. She was sincere in this. Captain and crew worried that when she opened her fanciful mouth before the king, he might find her queenly unsuitable.

    And yet, her heart was as good as her face was beautiful.

    After many days at sea, a great storm arose. “Batten down the hatches!” the captain ordered, and men scurried in each of the four directions. Our maiden seized this opportunity to climb the ship’s mast.

    She really, really wanted to see if the crow’s nest held magic that could give her a beak. This notion which had taken hold so enchanted her that she didn’t stop to think that the king might not want his queen to be beaked. 

    The maelstrom blackened and bore down upon the ship. Ropes twisted, creaked, and snapped. An enormous wave crested high, high, high above her head. So stunned was she at its frightening magnificence that she made no protest.

    This, despite the sea shaping itself into her deathbed. 

    Our maiden felt the shock of the sea’s cold and tasted its salt upon her tongue. She found herself bobbing on the heaving sea with a piece of broken mast in her hand. This wasn’t so bad as you might think.  

    For our maiden floated. She did it prettily, and she did it with ease.  

    She lifted her lovely, smiling face to see a fountain of watery wind blowing towards her. From sea to heaven it rose. She imagined it to be a magical beast.

    Her breath drew in when the windy water wrapped itself around her in a twist. There was an unexpected spurt upward—fathoms high she went into heaven’s tempest. What happened next was this:

    A maiden riding a mast from a ship.

    She found herself soaring through a fountain of seawater that glittered with salt. Lightning cracked, and in a blinding flash of light she glimpsed what could only be the billowing veil of the sylph called Wind.

    “Tell me your life’s one wish,” Wind invited with her lashing voice.

    “Oh, but I’m stuffed full of wishes!” the maiden answered as she clutched her zooming mast stick.

    “Tell me your ONE life’s wish,” Wind screeched in demand. Lightning drew jagged lines in the sky, and the thunder that followed very nearly shook our maiden free from her makeshift witch’s broom. Faced with a plummeting death—

    The maiden’s truest wish screamed from her lips with an anguished longing she’d had no idea she possessed.

    “I want to be wise! But I’m so filled with fancy, you see. It can never be.” And the maiden began to cry.  

    Wind deemed this wish the best she’d heard in a very long while. “Your heart wants what is faraway to draw near. Therefore I shall make you the teller of fairy tales. But there is a price you must pay, and it’s one you hold dear.” 

    Wind blew.

    She blew and blew and blew—


    The maelstrom vanished.

    During her fantastic fall from a clear blue sky, our maiden had no idea the change she undertook. Wind caught her at the last perilous moment and lay her gently upon the battered ship’s deck. In this she fared much better than the crew, who lay moaning gobbledygook.  

    The crew set sail for home mourning the loss of the beautiful maiden betrothed to the king. For when she could not be found, the captain declared with a cry that she must have washed overboard into the sea.

    Meanwhile, an old woman tended the wounds of injured men with bandages as she regaled them with tales of wonder to ease their pain.

    “Who is this kind and wise crone?” the sailors asked one another with incredulity. “Where did she come from?” Neither captain nor crew could account for the presence of the cheerful and heavily wrinkled woman leaning upon a stick fashioned from the mast of the ship.

    They had no idea she was a changeling.

    Yes, a changeling—the true kind, that you should grow up and want to be. Isn’t it grand that your deepest, most unknown longing is WITH SURPRISE meant to be achieved? For most of you it tends to happen après a journey lived at raging sea. Whatever.

    No price is too dear to pay for the grace of blooming into wisdom. And the play of ever-happily.

    To be wise is to be in wonder, to find what is impossible hiding in absolutely everything. Vivid appreciation—divine magic—is required. Simply open your eyes and see. Do it, truly.

    As for our maiden who of a sudden found glory in thin white hair…You should know it was only the beginning for her. For Wind decreed she would keep her fated number of years to live.

    Though most pray to find the fountain of youth, our heroine was thrilled to have found the opposite that fated day at sea. It was how a wrinkled crafter of fairy tales she came to blessed be. She found her stories helped everyday folk fall into wonder.

    And come so very alive. As was she. 

    She LOVED being forever wizened, forever old.

    For she was Crone. 



    If you enjoyed this tale of a wise woman’s beginning and wonder at the fairy tales she might tell, I hope you SUBSCRIBE 🙂

    I love to hear comments. Please leave one below!


    Featured storm image by Prettysleepy

    Lovely maiden image by Arthur Rackham (repurposed here)

    Ship at sea image by ArtTower

    Sylph called Wind image by Arthur Rackham (repurposed here)

    Crone image by Arthur Rackham (repurposed here)

    Yes, I LOVE Arthur Rackham’s illustrations. Aren’t they classic and lovely???




    THE WILLOW TREE OVERTURE, a fairy tale for enlightenment

    Lanterns light a path where the crone gathers what she needs to brew a tea that shimmers. Take three sips, recite a love poem, and offer the crone a kiss. Come, sit by the blazing fire. The crone is ready to tell the tale of long-lost bliss. Listen.

    It’s up to you to find what meaning you will.



    It came to pass one late summer’s day that a princess grew tired of being in a long, deep sleep and escaped a castle tower. 

    Taking an unknown road, she came upon a faraway forest village. She was exhausted from traveling and decided to stay for a while. This, despite the fact that the people who lived in this faraway forest village could only offer the princess a crude hut made of branch and not stone.

    Come morning of the autumn equinox, a crispy wind blew across the land to swirl and settle over a patch of nearby willow trees on a lake. The spirits of the women within the trees wakened. They stepped free of root and limb and leaf. The weight of flesh came upon them—mostly—and they walked, their nearly boneless arms blowing in the wind, up to the village to give their kissing blessings upon it.

    The princess was in a foul mood that fateful morning, for torrents of rain the day before had made a muddy mess of the village. She stood at a well drawing up a bucket of water when she caught sight of the willow women.

    Her eyes grew as big as those of any wolf. Quick as a hare she scampered to hide in her hut. Peeking through a crack in the half-rotted wood of the door, she shuddered at the impossible. For she had no idea such a thing could exist:

    Willowy women, with strange arched backs, whose supple arms billowed in the wind! 

    The princess drew back just as a willow woman’s kiss was set upon her hut’s door.

    For the rest of the day, the princess found herself in bliss. Every single thing she laid eyes upon was sheer beauty—be it the splash of chrysanthemum color, a spider’s knotted silk net, or mud upon her skirts. All of it seemed as impossible, as wondrous, as a tree woman with waterfall arms.

    Every breath the princess took was deep and fresh and new. Never had she felt so alive.

    Right then and there, the princess fell in love with being in bliss. And the mystery of the willow women who knew how to give a kiss.

    It so happened that the very next morning the bliss was gone and everything was ordinary again for the princess. Worse, she was found by a royal scout and whisked back to the castle. The king had died in her absence. She was crowned queen and now could not leave. She had responsibilities.

    As she performed tiresome duties of decreeing whatnot, all the queen could think of was her blissed-out day bestowed upon her by the mysterious willow women. Nothing at all about the castle or crown interested her in comparison.

    “If only I could shirk the burden of this crown and return to the willows,” she complained to the moon as it waxed and waned. She was so desperate over it all that one bitter winter’s night, the moon spoke back:



    must be courted, now, by you.   

    Her name is Mystery—

    and she must be wooed.


    “This is beyond me to do,” the queen said after thinking it over. She wasn’t one for romance. “Is there another way that’s tried and true?”

    But the moon in its glowing white wisdom refused to say another word.

    It wasn’t long until the queen developed quite the reputation. She sulked despite her bejeweled gowns and only ever wanted to talk about being kissed by willow trees. Time and again she sneaked out a castle window to run away to the faraway forest village and the willow women, but she never got far before she was caught and returned to the throne.

    “This is a horrible, boring place to be,” shouted the queen from where she sat above them all. “What I really, really want is the kiss of Mystery!”

    Her advisors gathered together to confer about the state of their queen. “If we satisfy her with Mystery, perhaps she will behave better,” they agreed.

    A wise woman, a crone, was fetched. She wore purple flowers in her hair.

    “Do something about the queen and her desire for Mystery, please,” the advisors beseeched the crone. They shoved her into the throne room, then slammed and locked the door.

    The queen perked up. She recognized that before her stood a crone. “Tell me,” the queen wheedled, “do you know the secret of courting Mystery? The moon told me that to be in bliss, I must woo Mystery. The problem is that I find romance ridiculous, so I need help with this.”

    The crone tittered. “You don’t know how to be in love with the world? Is this true? How very sad.”

    “I wouldn’t say that,” the queen said, both ashamed and confused. She fiddled with her crown. “Look. Can you help me or not?”

    The crone wished aloud for a breath of fresh winter’s air. As it happened, the queen had a secret door her latest batch of advisors knew nothing about. Soon the crone and queen were strolling the castle gardens, which were not pretty.

    “Why are the gardens neglected?” the crone asked.

    “I don’t know,” the queen answered, noticing the trampled winter flowers and vines of thorns. She rubbed her cold arms. “I don’t give attention to such things.”

    “Ah. Now we know the problem! My queen, perhaps you don’t realize, but you’re in a deep sleep. You need to wake.”

    The queen shook her head. “No, that was before. It’s why I escaped the castle tower in the first place. Should I run away again?” She clasped her hands and got excited. “Will you help me to escape back to the faraway forest village with the magical willow women?”

    “No. Tell me exactly what the moon said to you instead,” instructed the crone.

    The queen deflated. She quoted the moon.



    must be courted, now, by you.   

    Her name is Mystery—

    and she must be wooed.


    “Well, there you go,” the crone said. As if all was solved.

    The queen blinked. She had the distinct feeling she was missing something. “Help?” she ventured, flushing pink.

    “Open your eyes, my queen,” the crone invited. Her eyes and voice grew sharp as the biting winter wind. “Stop twiddling that crown and pay attention! Any lover desires only to be SEEN in an everlasting way. Should Mystery be different? You’ve been waiting for bliss to appear as it did once before. But the next step in this dance belongs to you. Here. Now. What will you do?”   

    The queen looked about herself. All she saw was a weedy garden, a gray winter sky clotted with clouds…and a crone with the most beautiful purple flowers in her hair.

    Something within the queen shifted. It yawned and stirred.

    “Open your eyes and see, my queen,” the crone crooned. “Open your eyes and see what has always and already been here, waiting for you to take notice.” And when the queen wasn’t looking, the crone blew a helpful kiss.

    “But I don’t understand…” the queen’s voice trailed away. A sudden warm, fragrant something passed through her body. She felt her limbs melt. She breathed in and r e l a x e d.

    And looked about herself again.


    Mystery was everywhere she could see. Equally, in each and every thing, spread out for her to see and yet hardly believe…

    A vine that somehow knew how to grow thorns. A crushed flower that bled the exact same color as wine. Pin-leaves beaded with ice. A sky that was covered by clouds and didn’t mind.

    “It’s happened again,” the queen whispered through her tears. She gasped in surprise. “It was so easy! I can’t believe it. I only ever had to look and truly see!”

    The crone with purple flowers in her hair winked and went on home. The advisors found their queen serene and vibrant with bliss. How relieved they were that she made no more escape attempts after this. Of course not. There was no need whatsoever.

    Mystery was as much here as there and everywhere.

    From that day on, the queen of bliss courted and wooed Mystery in this way:

    By noticing. By paying attention. By appreciating with eyes of wonder. After all, that anything could actually exist is a thrilling and impossible bliss. Is it not?

    Are you awake?

    Another surprise was yet to come. One day, Mystery made the next and climactic move—

    And married the queen, making her One, which means wholly real and true.

    As a divine wedding gift, a willow tree grew overnight outside the queen’s tower. The branches lifted toward heaven only to arch and reach back down for the earth, in love. Wind blew, and limbs brushed the ground with leafy kisses of bliss that could be felt for an entire day by anyone who walked there.

    Mystery always makes the first move.


    If you enjoyed this willowy love tale of mystery and wonder and want more, I hope you subscribe to CRONE TALES. 🙂

    Featured image of hut by Florian Kurz–don’t you just love it?!

    Image of tree woman by Stefan Keller

    Image of castle landscape by Johannes Plenio

    Image of ice beaded plant by Gabe Rebra

    Image of willow fronds by Annie Spratt